46 - The Canon 5D mark IV


The episode Tyler has been wanting to make for years, the deep dive review of the Canon 5D mark IV. For the first hour we go over the history of how the 5D has gone from groundbreaking to a safe bet, and it's video features with Jordan of The Camera Store TV. Then in the second hour we talk about all the nitty gritty details of this workhorse stills camera.

Read for the full review for details and more camera samples

The Canon 5D is a mature camera series that does not need to be reinvented with every update, and the 5D Mark IV keeps pace with the industry. Great dynamic range, improved focus, faster frames per second, and many little updates mean this camera has it where it counts. Sony is still nipping at their heels though, so with cameras like the A99II this may be the last generation of 5D that can be seen as an obvious choice for working professionals. Based on its headline features a lot of people won’t see this as an exciting camera, but to me it is an huge update to my most reliable tool.