5 - How to backup too many gigabytes

Shooting RAW images generates a ton of bytes, and sooner or later every photographer needs to deal with the long term storage of their photos. We talk about some workflow, best practices, and what hardware to buy to store your files.

The DAM Book by Peter Krough

Vivian Maier

Malls Across America by Michael Galinsky

Grit, Grime and Graffiti: Christopher Morris on the New York Subway, 1981 by Christopher Morris

4 - The Year in Gear: 2014

3 - Prime vs zoom lenses: How your lens effects your photos

2 - Is there really a film renaissance going on?

Is it just me, or are a lot of people shooting on film lately? Tyler Stalman and Cameron Whitman shoot stock, style, and portrait photos and  are big fans of film cameras. We discuss why we love it and if it will last. 

Mastin Labs - film emulation filters