Disposable Cameras on our Asian Vacation

When we planned our trip to Seoul and Tokyo, one of things I was excited about was the chance to shop some amazing used camera stores. I had high hopes for finding the perfect film point and shoot but after a few days of searching, we came up empty handed. Instead we bought some disposable cameras.

I hadn't used one since the 90's so I was curious if anything beautiful could come out of these little plastic boxes. I think the results turned out pretty great. The internet told me that disposable cameras have a fixed settings of about f/11 at 1/100 sec, so we used that as our reference point. Occasionally comparing it to reference photos on the 5D at the same settings.

We spent a lot of our time in Tokyo shooting street style in Harajuku, went to Disneyland, and then went back to Seoul to shoot more street style in Gangnam. 

Meiji Jingu Temple in Yoyogi Park

Smoking street style in harajuku

Girls in Harajuku

Ania B hunting for street style in Harajuku

Shooting Harajuku girls

Style everywhere in Tokyo

Ania B on the job, capturing Tokyo style

Tyler at the Meiji Jingu Temple

Devon and Ania are ready for a day out in Gangnam

Getting more stylish with age, Harajuku

Taking a nap at Disneyland, Tokyo

Here we are in Toontown, in Disneyland Tokyo

Murals in Harajuku

A moment in Tokyo

Prepping flowers for sale on the streets of Seoul

Ania in Yoyogi Park